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Liturgical Press

Preaching the Scriptures of the Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary

David O. Brown, OSM

Preaching the Scriptures of the Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Preaching the Scriptures of the Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary

eISBN: 9780814635780, E3578

Details: 156 pgs,
Publication Date: 05/01/2013
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The Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary offers more than 135 Scripture passages through which the faithful might deepen their devotion to Mary. While some texts are very familiar, others are not as well known to contemporary Catholics. In Preaching the Scriptures of the Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Father David Brown examines each of the texts in detail, offering valuable insights for homily preparation.

This helpful book includes

  • insightful exegesis of every Scripture passage of the Lectionary for these Masses
  • helpful summary statements about each reading
  • a generous set of "musings" on the readings for each Mass rich enough to prompt a variety of different homilies, making it useful year after year
  • suggestions for further worthwhile reading

Homilists will turn to this nourishing resource gratefully and repeatedly for inspiration and information.

David O. Brown, OSM, a priest of the Servite Order for sixty-five years, continues in semipublic ministry at Assumption Catholic Church in the center city area of Chicago and through adjunct work for the Marriage Tribunal. His pastoral experience included serving as novice master, high school and seminary teacher, hospital chaplain, and pastor in an inner-city parish in Chicago. He also served in the archdiocesan catechetical office for cross-cultural ministry in Detroit.

eISBN: 9780814635780, E3578

Details: 156 pgs,
Publication Date: 05/01/2013


Here is a beautiful work that reflects on each of the 135 biblical passages in the Lectionary that relate to Mary. Servite teacher, pastor, and chaplain David Brown performs a labor of love in putting together this helpful resource.
The Bible Today

Masses in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary have traditionally held a special place in the Catholic liturgy. David Brown brings new insights into the scriptural texts for these feasts and has provided pointed reflections about their contemporary significance. A rich resource for enhanced liturgical participation as well as spiritual reflection.
John T. Pawlikowski, OSM, Professor of Social Ethics, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago

For those preachers who find it difficult to `come up with anything new' on feast days of Mary or for special occasions honoring the Blessed Mother, this book is designed to be a friendly and handy companion.
Pastoral Liturgy

A welcomed and useful commentary on the liturgical readings assigned to the various Masses of Mary through the Church Year. Anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the assigned Marian readings will benefit from this unique title.
Catholic Library World

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