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Liturgical Press

A New Friendship

The Spirituality and Ministry of the Deacon

Monsignor Edward Buelt; Foreword by the Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput

A New Friendship
A New Friendship

eISBN: 9780814639436, E3943

Details: 208 pgs,
Publication Date: 02/01/2011
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"What is a deacon?" "What does a deacon do?" These are two questions pastors, parishioners, and even deacons themselves often ask.

In A New Friendship Monsignor Edward Buelt answers these questions through an engaging conversation with the Scriptures, the eucharistic liturgy, and church teaching on the diaconate. Originally given as a retreat for deacon candidates, A New Friendship is now available to a larger audience of bishops, priests, deacons, deacons' wives, and candidates in formation.

Buelt's treatment of all the major themes of the diaconate’ministry of word, altar, and charity, as well as communion, sacrifice, service, and suffering’is inspiring and enriching. He highlights the meaning of the diaconate through insightful and moving reflections on the Scriptures and proposes practical lessons for a deacon's ministry at Mass. Buelt offers sound counsel for the spiritual life of deacons in the voice of an attentive pastor of souls and as one who cares about the diaconate.

A New Friendship is must reading for anyone interested in the diaconate and in diaconal ministry.

Monsignor Edward Buelt was ordained to the priesthood in 1982. A noted liturgist and canon lawyer, he has exercised a variety of ministries in the Archdiocese of Denver and as an official of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. In 1998 he was appointed the founding pastor of Our Lady of Loreto Parish in suburban Denver, where he continues to serve.

eISBN: 9780814639436, E3943

Details: 208 pgs,
Publication Date: 02/01/2011


Although [Buelt's] primary audience is deacons and deacon candidates, his insights have value for all ministers and for anyone seeking to better understand `diaconia,' the ministry of service. I would recommend this book as part of any diaconal formation or continuing education process. It especially lends itself to a retreat setting or for meditative reflection.

Many will find in Buelt's reflections a `type of retreat' that will reward and enrich diaconal ministry.

Monsignor Buelt's reflections help not only deacons, but the whole gathered assembly to more deeply appreciate this ministry of service. At once pastorally practical and spiritually nourishing, this book will help to highlight how the deacon at the liturgy and in parish life can lead us more deeply into the mystery of Christ's love for us.
Monsignor James P. Moroney
Saint John's Seminary
Brighton, Massachusetts

Let us be honest. In many parishes the deaconate has become somewhat `tired.' Some deacons feel taken for granted, others lack direction and drift, and zeal for ministry fades. Deacons today need a deeper spirituality, their own spirituality. This can be found in the treasury of the church. Drawing on the classical sources, Msgr. Edward Buelt provides a fresh vision of the deacon's ministry in the word, at the altar, and through charity. His book is invaluable for deacons and all who work with them.
Bishop Peter J. Elliott
Author of Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite

Monsignor Buelt draws upon his impressive learning and extensive pastoral and personal experience to guide us in a deep reflection what it means to answer the call to diaconal ministry. His book makes a valuable contribution to the proper understanding of the person and role of the deacon and the unique place this newly revitalized ministry has in the mission of the Church in our time.
The Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone
Bishop of the Diocese of Oakland, California

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