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Liturgical Press

Ecological Footprints

An Essential Franciscan Guide for Faith and Sustainable Living

Dawn M. Nothwehr, OSF

Ecological Footprints SEE INSIDE
Ecological Footprints

eISBN: 9780814639573, E3957

Details: 368 pgs,
Publication Date: 10/01/2012
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The Franciscan vision offers a powerful antidote to the moral malaise that prevents ordinary Christians from making the necessary choices to live more simply and share the world's goods more equitably. This is the driving conviction behind Ecological Footprints. Dawn M. Nothwehr unfolds the theological, spiritual, and ethical treasure trove of Christianity–especially as it has been developed and lived in Franciscan theology and tradition–as it relates to our efforts to achieve sustainable living. She succeeds admirably in presenting it all in a style that makes this book both accessible and compelling to nonspecialist readers.

Dawn M. Nothwehr, OSF, is professor of Catholic theological ethics at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She holds the Erica and Harry John Family Chair in Catholic Theological Ethics and also serves as the director of the Certificate in Healthcare Mission Leadership Program. Her books include That They May Be One: Catholic Social Teaching on Racism Tribalism and Xenophobia; A Franciscan View of the Human Person: Some Central Elements; Struggles for Environmental Justice and Health in Chicago: An African American Perspective; and Franciscan Theology of the Environment: An Introductory Reader. She also is the presenter of the popular audio course, "The Earth is the Lord's: Catholic Theology of Creation, Ecology, and the Environment."

eISBN: 9780814639573, E3957

Details: 368 pgs,
Publication Date: 10/01/2012


Ecological Footprints is as vast and rich as Mother Earth. The book is comprehensive in content, exploring its `urgent issues' in a clear, engaging manner. It is a book that can be read individually or with a group, in chapters or in its entirety. However grasped, the charges it outlines about the modern burdens of the earth are haunting and demand our action.
Ingrid J. Peterson, OSF, Co-author of The Franciscan Tradition

Dawn Nothwehr combines depth of scholarship with depth of passion and prayer in a way that is simply breathtaking. Ecological Footprints positively sings with hope. While grim determination and even despair characterize all too many works on today's (admittedly overwhelming) environmental crises, this book begins and ends with the conviction that we already have the spiritual resources we need in order to live sustainably on our fragile planet. At once prayerful, scholarly, and wonderfully practical, this book is exactly the ecotheology we need today.
Colleen Mary Carpenter, Saint Catherine University, Author of Redeeming the Story: Women, Suffering, and Christ

Ecological Footprints is a hopeful and profound book, one we need today as we search for a way of living as responsible members of the community of life on Earth. Dawn Nothwehr invites the reader into a Christian ecological vision and practice that is inspired by the Scriptures and wonderfully enriched by the precious Franciscan tradition of Francis, Clare, Bonaventure and Scotus.
Denis Edwards, Flinders University, South Australia, Author of Ecology at the Heart of Faith

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