We all want to celebrate the liturgy well, to experience good, uplifting, and meaningful worship. But what is the best route to follow? In The Rites and Wrongs of Liturgy, Thomas O'Loughlin offers a way forward that strengthens faith, builds up Christian community, and points toward a new direction based on liturgical principles that are rooted in our natures as ritual beings as well as in the gospel.
The Rites and Wrongs of Liturgy explains why good liturgy is important, how to recognize it, and how to assess liturgy in terms of a larger vision of the Christian life. O'Loughlin, a seasoned theologian and teacher, identifies ten principles that make for good liturgy. Such liturgy must be honest, open, joyful, inclusive, celebrative of community, facilitative of engagement, based in creation, attentive to the marginalized, free of clutter, and true to the pattern of the incarnation.
Since good celebrations build faith and bad liturgy weakens it, these principles promise to bring new life and meaning to every celebrating community.
Thomas O'Loughlin is the author of Washing Feet: Imitating the Example of Jesus in the Liturgy Today. He is professor of historical theology at the University of Nottingham, UK. He was elected president of the Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain in 2016.
For more information watch this video interview with author Thomas O'Loughlin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOU65JSFHmE
eISBN: 9780814645888, E4588