eISBN: 9780814646786, E4678
This eSingle was originally published in To All the World: Preaching and the New Evangelization, edited by Michael Connors, CSC.
The Latino presence in the United States is in many ways an opportunity for the church to re-encounter the beauty of the Gospel and its passion for evangelization. Hosffman Ospino explains how the spiritual thirst among Latinos should encourage preachers and educators to determine evangelizing strategies of multiple Latino audiences that we encounter in our parish communities, and to present with creativity the message of the living God who walks with us in history.
Hosffman Ospino is assistant professor of theology and education at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, where he is also the director of Graduate Programs in Hispanic Ministry. He is a contributor to Give Us This Day, published by Liturgical Press.
eISBN: 9780814646786, E4678