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Liturgical Press

To All the World

Preaching and the New Evangelization

Michael Connors, CSC, Editor

To All the World SEE INSIDE
To All the World

eISBN: 9780814647332, E4733

Details: 178 pgs,
Publication Date: 06/15/2016
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Pope Francis's vision of the ministry of preaching offers a renewed emphasis on what it means to preach the Word of God in such a way that it transforms lives and communities, and inspires hope. In To All the World, Michael Connors, CSC, draws together contributions from a variety of expert voices to reflect on the importance of liturgical preaching today.

To All the World combines contemporary scholarship with pastoral practicality in one volume by well-known practitioners in the ministry of preaching including Timothy Radcliffe, OP, Honora Werner, OP, Paul Turner, Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, Karla J. Bellinger, and Cardinal Donald Wuerl. It will serve as a perfect companion to the United States Bishops' document, Preaching the Mystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily, and will be of interest to all those who share the pope's vision and call to be evangelists of the Word to all the world.

To All the World includes essays by:

  • Karla J. Bellinger
  • Jeremy Driscoll, OSB
  • Cardinal Donald Wuerl
  • Virgilio Elizondo
  • David H. Garcia
  • Curtis Martin
  • Susan McGurgan
  • Hosffman Ospino
  • Timothy Radcliffe, OP
  • Donald Senior, CP
  • Jude Siciliano, OP
  • Melvin R. Tardy
  • Paul Turner
  • Honora Werner, OP
  • Michael E. Connors, CSC, is director of the John S. Marten Program in Homiletics and Liturgics in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. He is the editor of We Preach Christ Crucified (Liturgical Press, 2014).

eISBN: 9780814647332, E4733

Details: 178 pgs,
Publication Date: 06/15/2016


It is no accident that people are drawn to Pope Francis' simple, appealing preaching of the good news of Jesus Christ. To All the World captures that same spirit. Chronicling the University of Notre Dame Conference, in which I happily participated, Fr. Connors presents the fine array of speakers who return to the same theme: Preach Jesus Christ to the world-with continuity and creativity-and let the grace of Christ attract the world to sit up, listen attentively, and follow in His steps.
Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, DD, Archbishop of Louisville, President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Preaching is such a personal endeavor that it takes a wide range of writers to cover its multiple aspects. Connors has masterfully gathered a roomful of opinions and experiences to share insights about the mystery and power of preaching the gospel.
Rev. Paul Turner, Pastor, St. Anthony Catholic Church in Kansas City Missouri, Contributor, To All the World

To All the World offers refreshing insight, informative guidance and helpful encouragement as a tool for the ever-present challenge to preach the New Evangelization. This book represents a wide breadth of pastoral experience presented in a highly readable and wonderfully encouraging response to the task of evangelizing all people. I strongly recommend To All the World to those who day in and day out seek to perfect their ministry of preaching.
His Eminence Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington

We preachers need solid theological grounding, scriptural depth, insights into the times in which we live, good homiletical method and nourishment for our own spirits. No one book or resource can provide all of that, but To All the World: Preaching and the New Evangelization will certainly help the serious preacher in his or her vocation to faithfully proclaim God's Word.
Jude Siciliano, OP, Preacher and Instructor in Homiletics

To All the World is an important book that explores how preaching is essential to the New Evangelization. The essays are practical, inviting the reader to consider how every aspect of one's life should be a preaching of Jesus Christ to the world. The breadth of cultural and ministerial backgrounds is unique to this volume. The reader will be inspired to think anew about the ministry of preaching through the edited essays.
Timothy P. O'Malley, Director, Notre Dame Center for Liturgy

Preachers and those responsible for preparing future priests and deacons for their preaching ministry will find this a substantial resource.
The Bible Today

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