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Liturgical Press

The Ministry of Liturgical Environment

Revised Edition

Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS

The Ministry of Liturgical Environment SEE INSIDE
The Ministry of Liturgical Environment

eISBN: 9780814648964, E4896

Details: 104 pgs,
Publication Date: 01/15/2016
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Joyce Ann Zimmerman's The Ministry of Liturgical Environment has served as a reliable and inspiring resource for parish liturgy committees, liturgy directors, and clergy for more than a decade. It is an insightful and practical guide to preparing an inviting sacred space that reflects and enhances the community's valued principles. Contemporary and complete, it considers the physical location of our worship, from assembly seating, color usage, and liturgical accouterments to ministers' and assembly's dress. This fully revised edition includes new content, a new structure, and updates based on ecclesial documents published since the publication of the previous edition. Anyone involved in liturgical ministry will want to keep it close at hand.

Joyce Ann Zimmerman, CPPS, is the director of the Institute for Liturgical Ministry in Dayton, Ohio and is an adjunct professor of liturgy, liturgical consultant, and frequent facilitator of workshops. She has published numerous scholarly and pastoral liturgical works. She holds civil and pontifical doctorates of theology.

eISBN: 9780814648964, E4896

Details: 104 pgs,
Publication Date: 01/15/2016


Sr. Joyce Ann Zimmerman couples her liturgical wisdom with an abundant amount of experience-infused practicality about setting the environment for liturgy, creating an important resource for both parish and diocesan liturgy commissions. Chapters six and seven spice up the "recipe"-which also calls out to diocesan art and architecture commissions as a must-read-adding the essential ingredients of Paschal Mystery meaning, seasonal judgment, and guided reflections about sacred space. More than a "how-to," this book is a "must-know"!
Patricia J. Hughes, D. Min., Director of the Office of Worship, Diocese of Dallas

Based on solid values and sound liturgical theology this little book will be invaluable for all who work with or even enter into the sacred space of the liturgical environment.
Sister Jeremy Gallet, SP, Office of Worship, Diocese of San Bernardino, CA

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