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Liturgical Press

Pilgrim People

Clifford M. Yeary with Little Rock Scripture Study staff

Pilgrim People
Pilgrim People

eISBN: 9780814665046, E6504

Details: 88 pgs,
Publication Date: 02/03/2020
Little Rock Scripture Study
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Come along on four major pilgrimages in Scripture —the journey of trust with Abraham and Sarah, the journey of freedom with Moses and the Hebrew people, the journey of exile and return with Israel, and the journey of discipleship with Jesus and his followers. God's call sometimes leads and sometimes sends, and the destinations can be new and wondrous or even dark and dangerous. What makes the journey a pilgrimage is God's abiding companionship. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayer and access to recorded lectures are included. Sarah, the journey of freedom with Moses and the Hebrew people, the journey of exile and return with Israel, and the journey of discipleship with Jesus and his followers. God's call sometimes leads and sometimes sends, and the destinations can be new and wondrous or even dark and dangerous. What makes the journey a pilgrimage is God's abiding companionship. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayer and access to recorded lectures are included. 4 lessons.

Clifford M. Yeary served for many years as the associate director of Little Rock Scripture Study. He is the author of several Bible studies, including The Sermon on the Mount, The Eucharist in Scripture, and Scripture and the Rosary, all published by Little Rock Scripture Study/Liturgical Press.

eISBN: 9780814665046, E6504

Details: 88 pgs,
Publication Date: 02/03/2020
Little Rock Scripture Study
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