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Liturgical Press

Turn to the Lord

Forming Disciples for Lifelong Conversion

Leonard J. DeLorenzo

Turn to the Lord
Turn to the Lord

eISBN: 9780814665886, E6588

Details: 312 pgs,
Publication Date: 07/15/2021
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God calls each of us to a life of goodness, and our yearnings to become more like God invite us to lifelong practices of conversion. The sacrament of confirmation is a pivotal moment anchoring a Catholic’s commitment to God.

But do our current sacramental preparation programs really inspire candidates to turn toward the Lord? Leonard J. DeLorenzo demonstrates how preparation for Confirmation can be life-giving for both candidates and those who accompany them. Turn to the Lord: Forming Disciples for Lifelong Conversion empowers parents, confirmation sponsors, and all who contribute to the holistic formation of young people to share the goodness of God in ways that shape hearts, minds, hands, and habits.

Leonard J. DeLorenzo, PhD, directs strategic planning for the McGrath Institute for Church Life, where he also directs the Sullivan Family Saints Initiative, with a concurrent teaching appointment in the department of Theology. Leonard is the author of four books: A God Who Questions (OSV, 2019), What Matters Most: Empowering Young Catholics for Life’s Big Decisions (Ave Maria, 2018), Work of Love: A Theological Reconstruction of the Communion of Saints (UND Press, 2017), and Witness: Learning to Tell the Stories of Grace that Illumine Our Lives (Ave Maria, 2016). He is also the co-editor of two other books: Dante, Mercy, and the Beauty of the Human Person (Cascade, 2018) and I Call You Friends: John Cavadini and the Vision for Catholic Leadership in Higher Education (Pickwick, 2019).

eISBN: 9780814665886, E6588

Details: 312 pgs,
Publication Date: 07/15/2021
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