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Liturgical Press

The Most Important Words of Jesus

Gerhard Lohfink, Translated by Linda M. Maloney

The Most Important Words of Jesus
The Most Important Words of Jesus

eISBN: 9780814668511, E6851

Details: 360 pgs,
Publication Date: 07/05/2023
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What Jesus taught through his preaching made an unforgettable impression upon his disciples. But it was the many succinctly formulated sayings of Jesus that stood out from the start because of their clear structure and vividness. In The Most Important Words of Jesus, renowned scholar Gerhard Lohfink focuses on the power, beauty, and seriousness of these seventy central sayings of the Lord.

When the Church confesses that Jesus is not only truly human but also truly God, that means he is the perfect image of God, God’s definitive word. It rests on the majestic claim that revealed itself, modestly, discreetly, and yet clearly, in every one of the seventy “sayings” or logia of Jesus. In this book, Lohfink helps us to understand what Jesus is talking about in these sharply defined words.

Gerhard Lohfink (1934-2024), was professor of New Testament exegesis at the University of Tübingen. His many award-winning books include Between Heaven and Earth, The Forty Parables of Jesus, No Irrelevant Jesus, Jesus of Nazareth, Is This All There Is?, The Our Father, and Prayer Takes Us Home, all from Liturgical Press.

eISBN: 9780814668511, E6851

Details: 360 pgs,
Publication Date: 07/05/2023


"Lohfink always impresses with the detailed care with which he delves into significant biblical texts. This extensive probe into seventy major 'words' of Jesus in the synoptic gospels, under the headings of The Coming of the Reign of God, The Mission of the Twelve, A Disciple’s Existence, Living in Light of the Reign of God, Jesus’ Exalted Claim, and Israel’s Crisis will keep the reader thinking but also praying for a good long time. These 'important words' as Lohfink reads them both inform and challenge our own discipleship. If we take up or renew our acceptance of Jesus’ daily invitation, 'Come, follow me,' Lohfink spells out the consequences with a most satisfying blend of theological depth and spiritual wisdom."
Genevieve Glen, OSB, author of Sauntering through Scripture and By Lamplight

"Gerhard Lohfink has graced us with many books that have helped us to see the New Testament in a refreshingly new way. In The Most Important Words of Jesus, he explains seventy of Jesus’s sayings that deal with his mission and its meaning for contemporary life. Those familiar with Lohfink’s writings will not be disappointed. Those who have not read his works will be amazed. This is a sure resource for those who preach the gospel and for those who seek to be nourished by it."
Frank J. Matera, Professor Emeritus, The Catholic University of America

"The result of a life of serious and faithful scholarship, Lofink’s newest book sharpens our prayer, deepens our faith, and gently challenges both the scholarly and general reader to put into practice what we learn from the seventy sayings of Jesus so profoundly illuminated herein. I highly recommend it for both study and devotion."
Bonnie Thurston, author of St. Mary of Egypt: A Modern Verse Life and Interpretation

"It is rare to find a prolific writer who has not become stale or redundant in their publications. Yet, in The Most Important Words of Jesus, Gerhard Lohfink adds yet another tile to the rich mosaic of his many creative books. Faithfully gleaning from the fruits of modern methods of biblical interpretation, The Most Important Words of Jesus remains eminently accessible and applicable to the spiritual life of all Christians. Teaming with life and vitality–Lohfink helps the reader reframe familiar logia (sayings) of Jesus in new and unexpected ways. The seriousness of his scholarship will no doubt win the respect of the academy, while the insights he offers about Jesus’ most prominent sayings will win the hearts of pastors seeking resources for serious and transformational homiletics."
The Rev. Dr. Vincent Pizzuto, author of Contemplating Christ: The Gospels and the Interior Life

"Lohfink is an award-winning author, and this latest volume attests to his acumen."
Bible Today

"Reading these seventy most important words of Jesus is a wonderful experience. It is a preacher's gold mine and a teacher's pearl of great price. It will greatly reward anyone who ventures to read it."
Cistercian Studies Quarterly

"After reading this book, I am in awe of Lohfink's ability to convey Jesus's grasp of the Scriptures and Jesus's unique way of unlocking the inner meaning of biblical texts that Jesus understood and loved so much. In The Most Important Words of Jesus, Lohfink combines his deep commitment to biblical scholarship, both through surveyed literature and in unique perspectives, with an ability to convey the power and beauty as well as the seriousness of the central sayings of Jesus. This a great and generous service for all those who strive to know more about who Jesus was and what he wanted."

"Lohfink's confident exegesis brings us such a fresh take on Jesus that I will be trying to reshape my teaching and my life accordingly for years to come."
Catholic Books Review

"In The Most Important Words of Jesus, Lohfink combines his deep commitment to biblical scholarship, both through surveyed literature and in unique perspectives, with an ability to convey the power and beauty as well as the seriousness of the central sayings of Jesus. This is a great and generous service for all those who strive to know more about who Jesus was and what he wanted."

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