eISBN: 9780814668634, E6863
God feeds his people in the most personal and intimate way. When we receive the Eucharist, we are being fed by God and changed in mind and heart by this most wondrous gift. Fed by the Lord provides at-home scriptural formation for children preparing for First Communion. This resource, written for the adults who guide them, nourishes relationships between children and parents, as well as the Lord who feeds them. Fed by the Lord focuses on twelve stories of God feeding his people. By studying together the actions of God in Scripture adults can prepare children to connect with the Word of God––Jesus Christ––who reveals himself through this biblical journey and comes to us personally in the Eucharist.
Leonard J. DeLorenzo, PhD, is a faculty member of the McGrath Institute for Church Life and teaches theology at the University of Notre Dame. The award-winning author of nine books and the editor of three others, Leonard also speaks across the country and world on topics like discernment, biblical catechesis, character development, and the spirituality of the saints. Leonard is the creator and host of the popular radio show and podcast Church Life Today. He and his wife Lisa live in South Bend, Indiana, with their six children. You can find Leonard on his website, www.leonardjdelorenzo.com and subscribe to his weekly newsletter at bit.ly/lifesweetnesshope.
eISBN: 9780814668634, E6863