The United States bishops' document Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord is a vital resource for the ongoing development of lay ecclesial ministry. Building upon Co-Workers and affirming the recent renewal of the laity and the flowering of lay ministries, Reflections on Renewal contributes to efforts to reshape ministerial language and practices in the church today. It explores the theological and pastoral foundations of ministry, including how all ministry is rooted in the sacraments of initiation, and suggests ways of refining or redefining our understandings of lay ecclesial and ordained ministries so that we as church can respond more fully to the call of God in our lives and world. At the same time, the book recognizes that lay ministry developed organically as the work of the Spirit and is, foremost, a cause for rejoicing.
This collection of essays is grounded in Fordham University's commitment to the church and its mission in the world. It honors the thousands of laypeople who have answered a call to serve the church in ministry.
Donna Eschenauer is the director of religious education and the catechumenate at the Cathedral Parish of St. Agnes in Rockville Centre, New York. She received her PhD from the Fordham University Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education. Her recent publication A Second Look at the Directory for Masses with Children appeared as a featured article for PrayTell, the blog of Liturgical Press and Saint John's School of Theology. Her book on the Triduum is forthcoming.
Harold Daly Horell is an assistant professor of religious education at the Fordham University Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education. He received his PhD from the Boston College Institute of Religion Education and Pastoral Ministry. His publications include Human Sexuality in the Catholic Tradition (Rowman and Littlefield, 2007), edited with Kieran Scott, and Horizons and Hopes: The Future of Religious Education (Paulist Press, 2003), edited with Thomas H. Groome.
eISBN: 9780814680186, E8018