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Liturgical Press

The Thousand Faces of the Virgin Mary

George H. Tavard

The Thousand Faces of the Virgin Mary
The Thousand Faces of the Virgin Mary

eISBN: 9780814683712, E8371

Details: 288 pgs,
Publication Date: 12/01/2023
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The greatest challenge to ecumenical dialogue has come not from discussions on justification by faith or papal primacy or even infallibility, but from discussions related to the Virgin Mary. This remarkable assertion is the raison d'être behind noted theologian and ecumenist George Tavard's historical and ecumenical investigation of the image of Mary.

Mary belongs not only to Christians but to Jews and Muslims as well. In a broad sense she can also be seen in relation to female symbols of the Absolute not as divinity but as divine. Time and changes in dogma have also affected the way Mary is perceived. Tavard has therefore divided his investigation into five parts. He gathers insights from Scripture (Part I), Tradition (Part II), the Reformation (Part III), the Modern Age (Part IV), and World Religions (Part V). Together these perspectives clarify and enhance the Theotokos and her ties with the people of God.

George H. Tavard, (1922-2007), was a member of the Augustinians of the Assumption, professor emeritus of theology at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio, and distinguished professor of theology at Marquette University, was a peritus at Vatican Council II, where he was involved in preparing the decree on ecumenism. He had participated in several international and American ecumenical dialogues and written extensively on theology and ecumenism. Father Tavard was the author of A Review of Anglican Orders, The Church, Community of Salvation, and The Thousand Faces of the Virgin Mary, published by Liturgical Press.

eISBN: 9780814683712, E8371

Details: 288 pgs,
Publication Date: 12/01/2023
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