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Liturgical Press

The College Student's Introduction To Theology

Thomas P. Rausch, Editor

The College Student's Introduction To Theology
The College Student's Introduction To Theology

eISBN: 9780814683927, E8392

Details: 222 pgs,
Publication Date: 03/24/2017
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This book provides an introduction to the study of theology and its various methods of investigation. While most theological texts focus on one facet of study, The College Student's Introduction to Theology introduces the whole rich and complex area of theological studies. It is written from a Roman Catholic perspective, but the book is consciously ecumenical in its approach.

Part I: Foundations examines the nature of theology as both a science and a work of the Church (and the resulting tension between theologians and bishops), the Hebrew Scriptures, and development of the New Testament canon, and an overview of the Church history.

Part II: Systematic Questions tackles Christian faith, Christian anthropology, moral theology, and the sacramental and liturgical life of the Christian.

Part III: Contemporary Issues introduces the concept and various expressions of spirituality, the Second Vatical Council, and two post conciliar issues: ecumenism and feminism.

Contributors include Christopher Key Chapple, PhD; John R. Connolly, PhD; Michael Downey, PhD; Mary M. Garascia, CPPS, PhD; Marie Ann Mayeski, PhD; Mary Milligan, RSHM, STD; John R. Popiden, PhD; Thomas P. Rausch. SJ, PhD; Herbert J. Ryan, SJ, STD; Jeffrey S. Siker, PhD; and Daniel L. Smith-Christopher, D. Phil.

eISBN: 9780814683927, E8392

Details: 222 pgs,
Publication Date: 03/24/2017
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