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Liturgical Press

The Pilgrimage of Egeria

A New Translation of the Itinerarium Egeriae with Introduction and Commentary

Anne McGowan and Paul F. Bradshaw

The Pilgrimage of Egeria SEE INSIDE
The Pilgrimage of Egeria

eISBN: 9780814684450, E8445

Details: 248 pgs,
Publication Date: 06/01/2018
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This new version of the late fourth-century diary of journeys in and around the Holy Land known as the Itinerarium Egeriae provides a more literal translation of the Latin text than earlier English renderings, with the aim of revealing more of the female traveler's personality. The substantial introduction to the book covers both early pilgrimage as a whole, especially travel by women, and the many liturgical rites of Jerusalem that Egeria describes. Both this and the verse-by-verse commentary alongside the translated text draw on the most recent scholarship, making this essential reading for pilgrims, students, and scholars seeking insight into life and piety during one of Christianity's most formative periods.

Anne McGowan is assistant professor of liturgy at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, she is the author of Eucharistic Epicleses, Ancient and Modern (Liturgical Press, 2014).

Paul F. Bradshaw is emeritus professor of liturgy at the University of Notre Dame. The author or editor of over thirty books and more than 120 articles and essays, he is also a past president of both the North American Academy of Liturgy and the international Societas Liturgica.

eISBN: 9780814684450, E8445

Details: 248 pgs,
Publication Date: 06/01/2018


"Finally, here is a fresh, new, contemporary translation into English, with a richly detailed introduction and scholarly commentary, of Egeria's travelogue. McGowan and Bradshaw's volume does ample justice to the many recent insights from pilgrimage studies and gender theory found in this crucial early Christian text. Their Pilgrimage to Egeria has been highly anticipated, and I am delighted to recommend it enthusiastically."
Teresa Berger, Professor of Liturgical Studies and Thomas E. Golden Jr. Professor of Catholic Theology, Yale Divinity School and Yale Institute of Sacred Music

"This fresh translation of Egeria's pilgrimage diary will be indispensable for anyone wishing to study the liturgy in fourth-century Jerusalem and early Christian worship in general. Thoroughly informed by the most up-to-date scholarship, the introduction and notes provide a treasure-trove of material on the identity of Egeria, pilgrimage, and other issues associated with her description of the liturgy."
John F. Baldovin, SJ, Boston College School of Theology & Ministry

"This new translation of Egeria, in clear, readable English, is a very welcome work for all who study pilgrimage, travel, liturgy, late antique churches, and the Holy Places. The introduction and commentary are thorough and up-to-date. I particularly enjoyed the discussion of the liturgies and buildings of Jerusalem in the introduction. McGowan and Bradshaw should be commended for clarifying the thorny issues of dating, authorship, and manuscript tradition of the work now called the Itinerarium Egeriae. The appendices include not only a translation of the Letter of King Abgar and the text of the Bordeaux Pilgrim, but also fragments of Egeria's account missing from the surviving text. This is the translation of Egeria's work that I will be using and assigning in my courses."
Maribel Dietz, Louisiana State University

"An exceptional guide-a true map of the spiritual pilgrimage of this light from the fourth century."
Pastor John Thomas Lane, SSS, Emmanuel

"A superb new edition of the pilgrim account of Egeria. The authors' extensive and informative introduction take up the questions of Egeria's identity, her status in life, her origin, and the historical context of her travels. Those interested in early Christian history, in pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and in early Christian liturgy will appreciate this fine work of scholarship."
The Bible Today

"This foundational account has a contemporary character, and this new translation will help today's pilgrim's benefit from their experience and recognize how they are part of a long tradition of Christian pilgrimage and worship."
Church Times

"The greatest value in the work lies in bringing the most recent thinking on Egeria and the liturgies she describes into an accessible and convenient format. Insofar as this version will tend to replace Wilkinson as the standard English version it is to be welcomed."
The Journal of Theological Studies

"This book is a treasure that will be valuable for a long time."
Catholic Press Association

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