eISBN: 9780814684795, E8479
Catholic health care is one of the key places where the church lives Catholic social teaching (CST). Yet the individualistic methodology of Catholic bioethics inherited from the manualist tradition has yet to incorporate this critical component of the Catholic moral tradition. Informed by the places where Catholic health care intersects with the diverse societal injustices embodied in the patients it encounters, this book brings the lens of CST to bear on Catholic health care, illuminating a new spectrum of ethical issues and practical recommendations from social determinants of health, immigration, diversity and disparities, behavioral health, gender-questioning patients, and environmental and global health issues.
M. Therese Lysaught, PhD, is professor at Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics & Health Care Leadership at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine and Loyola's Institute of Pastoral Studies. As a visiting scholar with the Catholic Health Association, she authored Caritas in Communion: Theological Foundations of Catholic Health Care (2014), an important resource for Catholic mission and identity. Her other co-edited volumes include On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives on Medical Ethics, 3rd edition (2012), and the award-winning Gathered for the Journey: Moral Theology in Catholic Perspective (2007).
Michael McCarthy, PhD, is assistant professor at the Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics & Health Care Leadership at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. He earned his PhD in theology at Loyola University Chicago and his MTS from the Weston Jesuit School of Theology (now the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry). He co-directs the Physician's Vocation Program, focusing on the formation of future physicians rooted in Ignatian Spirituality. His scholarly focuses include social justice and bioethics, clinical ethics consultation, and physician formation.
Table of Contents
Foreword, Lisa Sowle Cahill
Introduction Catholic Bioethics Meets Catholic Social Thought: The Problematic, a Primer, and a Plan
Part I: Accompanying Vulnerable Communities
1 Health Care Providers on the Frontline: Responding to the Gun Violence Epidemic, Michelle Byrne, MD, Virginia McCarthy, Abigail Silva, and Sharon Homan
2 Catholic Bioethics and Invisible Problems: Human Trafficking, Clinical Care, and Social Strategy, Alan Sanders, Kelly R. Herron, and Carly Mesnick
3 Far From Disadvantaged: Encountering Persons with Mental Illness, Abraham M. Nussbaum, MD
4 Integral Ecology in Catholic Health Care: A Case Study for Health Care and Community to Accelerate Equity, Cory D. Mitchell, Armand Andreoni, and Lena Hatchett
Part II: Countering Injustice in the Patient-Physician Encounter
5 Neglected Voices at the Beginning of Life: Prenatal Genetics and Reproductive Justice, Aana Marie Vigen
6 Bewildering Accompaniment: The Ethics of Caring for Gender Non-Conforming Children and Adolescents, Michael McCarthy
7 Greening the End of Life: Refracting Clinical Ethics through an Ecological Prism, Cristina Richie
8 Racial Disparities at the End of Life and the Catholic Social Tradition, Sheri Bartlett Browne and Christian Cintron
Part III: Incarnating a Just Workplace
9 Unions in Catholic Health Care: A Paradox, Dan Dwyer
10 Inviting the Neighborhood into the Hospital: Diversifying Our Health Care Organizations, Robert J. Gordon
11 The Rocky Road of Women and Health Care: A Gender Roadmap, Jana Marguerite Bennett
12 Continuing the Ministry of Mission Doctors, Brian Medernach, MD, and Antoinette Lullo, MD
Part IV: Leading for Social Responsibility
13 A Call to Conversion: Toward a Catholic Environmental Bioethics and Environmentally Responsible Health Care, Ron Hamel
14 DACA and Institutional Solidarity, Mark Kuczewski
15 Reframing Outsourcing, M. Therese Lysaught and Robert DeVita
16 Catholic Health Care and Population Health: Insights from Catholic Social Thought, Michael Panicola and Rachelle Barina
Part V: Embodying Global Solidarity17 Body Politics: Medicine, the Church, and the Scandal of Borders, Brian Volck, MD
18 Creating Partnerships to Strengthen Global Health Systems, Bruce Compton
19 Non-Communicable and Chronic Diseases in Developing Countries: Putting Palliative Care on the Global Health Agenda, Alexandre Andrade Martins, MI
20 Humanitarian Ethics: From Dignity and Solidarity to Response and Research, Dónal O'Mathúna
Part VI: Reimagining Frontiers
21 Research as a Restorative Practice: Catholic Social Teaching and the Ethics of Biomedical Research, Jorge José Ferrer, SJ
22 Environmental Ethics as Bioethics, Andrea Vicini, SJ, MD, and Tobias Winright
23 A Social Bioethics of Genetics, Hille Haker
24 For-Profit Health Care: An Economic Perspective, Charles M. A. Clark
eISBN: 9780814684795, E8479
"This book is an important advance in our efforts to understand how social factors—violence, racism, mental illness, ecology, gender and business practices—affect health status and outcomes. It is a contribution to our ongoing efforts to make the person, `fully and adequately considered' the heart of our ethical undertaking."