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Liturgical Press


A Benedictine on Christian Life

Don Talafous


eISBN: 9780814684979, E8497

Details: 224 pgs,
Publication Date: 08/01/2019
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Internet readers of the Daily Reflections with Fr. Don Talafous have long urged the author to publish selections in book form. Here is such a collection offering hope and encouragement in the face of the sadness and suffering of our world. While they come from the mind, heart, and PC of a Catholic Benedictine, the topics of these reflections appeal to church-going Christians, readers of a skeptical bent, and even those of no or minimal relation to any organized religion.

Don Talafous, OSB, is a Benedictine monk and priest of Saint John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota. Born in 1926, he has taught and served as university chaplain at Saint John's University in Collegeville and published several books. He has an MA from Catholic University, in Washington, DC, and a PhD from Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. Currently, he devotes his life to alumni relations for Saint John's University. A fitting role as he remarkably remembers the name of almost every student he has ever met.

eISBN: 9780814684979, E8497

Details: 224 pgs,
Publication Date: 08/01/2019


"I always look forward to Fr. Don's insightful daily reflections—a Benedictine balance of wit, acute observation, wisdom, human-kindness and compassion, and warm inclusiveness. Sometimes he challenges, sometimes he offers comfort, but he never fails to be interesting and engaging. Fr. Don's down-to-earth musings shine the light of the Gospel on the ups and downs of daily living. And now to have them in a handy collection—couldn't be better!"
Canon Robin Protheroe, Hon. Assistant Priest, St. Nicholas Church, Brighton, UK

"Fr. Don's writings span the spectrum of human experience and emotion—love and faith and happiness, loss and longing and disappointment . . . [his] reflections come with wisdom that sometimes supersedes those experiences, enabling him to connect with readers on subjects that he has never personally lived."
Dave DeLand, Executive Director, Saint John's University Marketing and Communication

"Bits of wisdom from a life well lived, expressed with elegant simplicity."
John A. Muse, Presbyterian Church USA

"Join this captivating Benedictine monk on his fascinating journey through life. He speaks to every one of us, giving us an understanding of matters concerning our faith. His insightfulness is truly miraculous."
Tom Baldwin, Attorney, Dublin, Ireland

"In such a wise and gentle manner, Father Don provides relevant and motivating messages in Musings. Rooted in Benedictine tradition and the realities of life, his words are a spiritual compass that provide the gift of introspective and focused reflection."
Susan Lynch Vento, CSB/SJU Alumna, Class of '76

"In these Musings, Father Don challenges us, amuses us, and inspires us, sharing his own acute observations about the joys and sorrows, the gifts and problems, of being human. He writes out of a long life lived by the Rule of Saint Benedict and uses his many years as a teacher and his deep working knowledge of the Psalms, the Gospel, and the wealth of the whole Christian tradition to help deepen our sense of what it means to be a Christian and a Catholic in today's challenging world. It's a very useful book, not one to whip through in a single sitting but to read slowly and carefully, as a loving guide for us on our individual human journeys. It's also a delightful read."
Carolyn J. Dewald, Professor Emeritus of Classical Studies, Bard College

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