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Liturgical Press

Sex, Love, and Families

Catholic Perspectives

Edited by Jason King and Julie Hanlon Rubio

Sex, Love, and Families
Sex, Love, and Families

eISBN: 9780814687956, E8795

Details: 320 pgs,
Publication Date: 03/01/2020
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Six years into the papacy of Pope Francis, Catholics are still figuring out how to respond to his image of the church as a field hospital —a church that goes into the streets rather than remaining locked up behind closed doors. Marriage and family are primary sites of the field hospital, called to meet people's need for healing and accompaniment with compassion and love. The all-lay authors of this collection —a mix of single and married, traditional and progressive Catholics —take up this work. They offer practical wisdom from and critical engagement with the Catholic tradition but avoid rehashing decades-old theological debates. Instead, their essays engage with and respond to realities shaping contemporary family life, like religious pluralism, technology, migration, racism, sex and gender, incarceration, consumerism, and the call to holiness. The result is a collection that envisions ways that families can be places of healing and love in and for the world.

List of contributors:

  • Jennifer Beste
  • Megan K. McCabe
  • Elizabeth Antus
  • Kathryn Lilla Cox
  • Kent Lasnoski
  • Hoon Choi
  • Cristina L. H. Traina
  • Craig A. Ford Jr.
  • Bridget Burke Ravizza
  • Julie Donovan Massey
  • Emily Reimer-Barry
  • Richard Gaillardetz
  • Timothy O'Malley
  • Sandra Sullivan-Dunbar
  • Kathryn Getek-Solis
  • Kari-Shane Davis Zimmerman
  • Jana Marguerite Bennett
  • Victor Carmona
  • Gemma Tulud Cruz
  • Daniel Olsen
  • Thomas Beaudoin
  • Christine Firer Hinze
  • David Cloutier
  • Marcus Mescher
  • Sue Muldoon
  • Timothy Muldoon
  • Mary M. Doyle-Roche
  • Jason King
  • Julie Rubio

Jason King is the director of the Center for Catholic Studies at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. He received his PhD from The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. He is the author of Faith with Benefits: Hookup Culture on Catholic Campuses (Oxford University Press, 2017) and essays in American Benedictine Review, Journal of Catholic Higher Education, and Horizons. Currently, he edits the Journal of Moral Theology.

Julie Hanlon Rubio is professor of social ethics at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley, California. Previously, she taught for nineteen years at St. Louis University. Her research focuses on marriage, family, sex, and gender. She is the author of four books, including Family Ethics: Practices for Christians (Georgetown, 2010). She speaks to a wide variety of public audiences and writes for popular venues such as America magazine, National Catholic Reporter, the Washington Post, and US Catholic.

eISBN: 9780814687956, E8795

Details: 320 pgs,
Publication Date: 03/01/2020
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