eISBN: 9780814687970, E8797
In this volume, Br. John Mark Falkenhain, OSB, a Benedictine monk and clinical psychologist, provides a well-researched and thorough program for celibacy formation for men and women, adaptable to both religious and seminary settings. Attending to the theological and the psycho-sexual dimensions of what it means to pursue a life of chaste celibacy, Br. John Mark identifies and expands on four major content areas, including motives for chaste celibacy, theological aspects of celibate chastity, sexual identity, and skills for celibate living. Formation goals and benchmarks for discernment are discussed for each content area, and implications and suggestions for ongoing formation are offered.
A monk of Saint Meinrad Archabbey, Br. John Mark Falkenhain is a licensed psychologist with several years of experience in research, writing, and teaching in the areas of celibacy formation, formation for the priestly and religious life, and clergy child sexual abuse. Br. John Mark lectures nationally and internationally, and he is a Fellow in Human Formation with Saint Luke Institute in Silver Spring, Maryland. He has also served his community as vocations director, assistant formation director, and faculty member of Saint Meinrad Seminary.
eISBN: 9780814687970, E8797
"I wholeheartedly recommend How We Love as a methodologically-precise, well-researched, faith-filled and profoundly helpful process that maps the journey from self-knowledge to self-acceptance and into that inner freedom in Christ which alone allows the celibate to live dynamically and joyfully as self-gift for the sake of the Kingdom. A must-have for every seminary and house of form ation."