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Liturgical Press

Journey to Jerusalem

Steps on the Road to Your Soul

Mark A. Villano

Journey to Jerusalem
Journey to Jerusalem

eISBN: 9780814688359, E8835

Details: 232 pgs,
Publication Date: 08/15/2020
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Words of Scripture. Symbols of faith. Do you ever wonder what they really have to do with you? Can they truly help to interpret human experiences and change hearts? Does the metaphor of life as a journey make sense to you? Mark A. Villano's latest book offers a path into questions like these. Delve into the spiritual insights that have guided human beings for millennia in order to better appreciate the significance and power they hold. Discover more about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, who meets us where we are and guides us along the diverse spiritual landscapes of life. The invitations of grace are all around us. We're all called to participate in the life-changing mystery of Christ.

Consider this book as a daily "retreat," an invitation to let go of the noise around us and to simply listen. See it as a travelling companion on the most important journey of our lives.

Mark A. Villano, a native of New Haven, Connecticut, studied theology at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, where he received his Master of Divinity degree. He has ministered at parishes and campus ministry centers across the country, including those at the University of Texas, Ohio State University, and Yale. He earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California. Since then he has served as a university administrator and instructor, teaching courses in religion, philosophy, and media studies. Currently, he is director of outreach at the University Catholic Center at UCLA.

eISBN: 9780814688359, E8835

Details: 232 pgs,
Publication Date: 08/15/2020
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