"The revision of the liturgical calendar was key to the reform of the liturgy following the Second Vatican Council not only in providing a foundation for the work on the Missal, Lectionary, and Liturgy of the Hours but also in expressing a renewed theology of time centered on the Paschal Mystery. Fr. Paul Turner, with his customary diligence, is a knowledgeable guide to the work of revision. This, however, is not just a work of historical research it also provides a guide to the current liturgical year, calendar, and days of special prayer highlighting the origins and history of each celebration which will be a helpful resource to all who plan and prepare liturgy."
Martin Foster, Director, Liturgy Office, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales
"In Sacred Times, Fr. Turner has provided an indispensable resource for understanding many of the ins and outs of the General Instructions of the Liturgy of the Hours and the Roman Missal, in particular the General Roman Calendar and the Table of Liturgical Days. He meticulously examines, for example, how one navigates the celebration of consecutive solemnities and anticipated (Saturday) masses. In the reform of the liturgy, Turner reveals some of the tensions, at times, between the revisers of the liturgy, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and various popes. Readers will find Turner's discussion on making the Roman calendar truly universal and not a "Mediterranean calendar," why certain saints were included or excluded from the General Calendar, and how the Roman Rite came very close to losing Ash Wednesday fascinating indeed."
Rev. Peter D. Rocca, CSC, General Editor, Paulist Press Ordo
"Once again, Fr. Paul Turner invites his readers to break open the rites of the Church with care. Sacred Times unpacks the logic of the reformed General Roman Calendar, highlighting its emphasis upon the paschal mystery as the heart of liturgical year, and explaining the pastoral and theological reasoning regarding everything from the Proper of Saints to the celebration of vigil masses. Replete with references and helpful indices, this volume offers clear distinctions and principles for those in professional church ministry as they prepare for worship, and a welcome compendium of sources for academics and students of liturgical and pastoral studies."
Katharine E. Harmon, Project Director, Obsculta Preaching Initiative, School of Theology and Seminary, Saint John’s University
"Paul Turner’s Sacred Times is an extraordinary resource for anyone with a question about or interest in the liturgical year. It should be on every priest or liturgical minister’s bookshelf. Not merely supplying information, in a conversational tone Turner takes the reader behind the scenes to discussions and decisions that have been made in developing the liturgical calendar, providing annotations to original documents. Every day is sacred in this volume, and the reader learns the origin of every saint’s feast. A final chapter on the table of liturgical days explains the ranks of feasts which can often be confusing."
Julia Upton, RSM, PhD, retired distinguished professor of theology, St. John’s University, New York
"Even those who have often traversed the Liturgical Year as revised by Vatican II will find new information and new contexts in Paul Turner’s Sacred Times. A scholar’s thoroughness, a teacher’s clarity, and a pastor’s care are combined and presented in an accessible manner. From the historical conciliar background of the calendar’s revision to practical insight for current-day observances, this is a most useful book. It will be a gift for all whose ministry is connected to the sacred times, as well as the faithful who celebrate week by week or day by day."
Alan J. Hommerding, Pastoral Musician, Hymnwriter, Composer, Author, Liturgical Publications Editor, GIA Publications
"Fr. Paul Turner’s Sacred Times will be a most welcome addition to the office bookshelves of every liturgist and liturgical musician. The scope of the work is comprehensive and concise at the same time. It is also well structured, in a manner to both make for easy reading and comprehension as well as for finding just the miniscule detail one is looking for at a moment’s notice. Especially helpful are the included tables and appendices, particularly the reminders of the variety of ranks of our liturgical celebrations and their hierarchy, and their significances for liturgical adaptations. Every pastor, liturgist, and liturgical musician should add this book to their collections of reference materials."
Orin Johnson, Director of Music and Liturgy, St. Margaret of Scotland, in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, and author of Incarnate in Word and Song
"This book is an extremely useful, well written, timely, and highly serviceable book for persons involved with or interested in the liturgy and how the revised General Roman Calendar interacts with it. While these operations are usually quiet and hidden from view, the 2024 case of the Immaculate Conception makes clear somebody needs to know how things work. Turner explains it. Recommended."