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Liturgical Press

At Home With Saint Benedict

Monastery Talks

Mark A. Scott, OCSO; Foreword by Macrina Wiederkehr

At Home With Saint Benedict SEE INSIDE
At Home With Saint Benedict

ISBN: 9780879070274, MW027P

Details: 336 pgs, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 04/01/2011
Cistercian Publications
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At Home with Saint Benedict is a selection of the author's conferences on Saint Benedict's Rule for Monasteries delivered to the monks of Assumption Abbey of Ava, Missouri, when he was abbot there. The author's intention was simply to share with his brother monks what Saint Benedict through his sixth-century Rule might have to offer monks of the early twenty-first century. It is hoped that these conferences, published here, will now speak to men and women outside the monastic cloister. This book is a door to the chapter room of Assumption Abbey. Readers are invited to open the door, sit down with the monks and their abbot, and feel at home with Saint Benedict.

Mark A. Scott, OCSO, is a monk of the Trappist-Cistercian Abbey of New Clairvaux, Vina, California, which he entered in 1978. From 2000 to 2008 he served as appointed superior and then abbot of Assumption Abbey, Ava, Missouri.

ISBN: 9780879070274, MW027P

Details: 336 pgs, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Publication Date: 04/01/2011
Cistercian Publications


It is a work that is very accessible to a broad readership.. an example of wisdom. Monks and nuns will come away from this book with a sharpened sense of their own call. Superiors and formators will find much inspiration for their ministries. This is a must read for lay associates and others interested in applying monastic spirituality to their daily lives.
Cistercian Studies Quarterly

It is a work that is very accessible to a broad readership.. an example of wisdom. Monks and nuns will come away from this book with a sharpened sense of their own call. Superiors and formators will find much inspiration for their ministries. This is a must read for lay associates and others interested in applying monastic spirituality to their daily lives.
Cistercian Studies Quarterly

This is one of the best popular books on modern monasticism that I have ever read. Anybody who wants to know more about the Rule of Benedict, and also about how it is actually lived today should obtain this book. . . . I think it is great, not just good.
Terrence Kardong, OSB
Assumption Abbey
Richardton, North Dakota

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