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Liturgical Press


The Collegeville Composers Group
Carol Browning
Carol Browning has been active as a pastoral musician and liturgist for more than twenty years, for the past fifteen years mainly in Roman Catholic settings, although she is a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). She is a liturgical composer, on her own and as part of the Collegeville Composers Group, and an independently published inspirational songwriter. She also writes occasional articles for various liturgical music magazines.
Paul F. Ford, PhD
Paul F. Ford, PhD is professor of systematic theology and liturgy, St. John’s Seminary, Camarillo, California. He is the author of By Flowing Waters: Chant for the Liturgy, published by Liturgical Press.
Catherine Christmas
Catherine Christmas an accomplished organist and former cathedral director of music, currently working as Pastoral Coordinator for a group of parishes based in Winchester, England.
Paul Inwood
Paul Inwood is an internationally known liturgist, composer, organist, choir director, and clinician. His liturgical music appears in numerous hymnals worldwide.
Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam
Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam, is a monk of New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur, California, where he currently serves as prior of the community. An internationally known performer, recording artist, and composer, he has numerous collections of original sacred, world, and liturgical music to his credit. A student of the world’s spiritual traditions, Consiglio has offered retreats and conferences around the world and authored articles for several books and periodicals. He is the author of Prayer in the Cave of the Heart: The Universal Call to Contemplation, and Spirit, Soul, Body: Toward an Integral Christian Spirituality published by Liturgical Press.
Anna Betancourt
Anna Betancourt is the music director at St. Polycarp Church in Stanton, California, and Spanish choir director at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels in Los Angeles. Anna has been a lifelong member of St. Linus parish in Norwalk, California where she served as Music Director for many years. She has over 27 years of experience directing various choirs ranging from Spanish and Traditional choirs to Handbell, Children’s and Contemporary Ensembles. Anna is a graduate of Loyola Marymount University where she studied under the direction of Paul Salumonovich and later returned to work as Assistant Director of Liturgy and Music for Loyola Marymount University Campus Ministry. Anna has participated in over 40 recordings with various Catholic artists and composers including Pedro Rubalcava, Bob Hurd, Jaime Cortez, Tony Alonso, Peter Kolar, Rafael Moreno, and John Angotti.
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