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Liturgical Press

Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood

Contemporary Reflections by Catholic Sisters

Edited by Srs. Joyce Meyer, Michele Morek, Helga Leija, and Jan Cebula; Introduced by Sr. Joyce Meyer, Sr. Jane Wakahiu, and Gail DeGeorge

Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood SEE INSIDE
Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood

ISBN: 9798400801334, 01334

Details: 320 pgs, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 3/4
Publication Date: 07/17/2024
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Sisters care about creation, minister to those in need, and keep hope amid adversity—their witness and reflections can help us to do the same.

In Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood, Catholic sisters from across the world share their insights about prayer, grace, grief and healing, ministries, and a variety of topics. From the thousands of columns published since it began in April 2014, Global Sisters Report’s editors share some of the publication’s most insightful columns to celebrate the enduring life and ministry of these remarkable women of faith.

Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood amplifies the voices of these sisters as well as their often hidden and unrecognized ministries in the most distant parts of the world. It offers a sampling of lessons and messages intended to deepen our prayer lives and help us to grow in grace. Reflection questions included throughout may be used for personal contemplation or in small group discussions. Through the inspiring stories of Catholic women religious worldwide, readers are invited to discover the profound impact of sisters as they continue to encourage others to bring hope, compassion, and service to communities—and walk the synodality path supporting the most vulnerable. 

ISBN: 9798400801334, 01334

Details: 320 pgs, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 3/4
Publication Date: 07/17/2024


"Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood is a rich array of essays organized in ten themes capturing the insight, experience, and voice of sisters across the globe. It is a moving testimony (and reminder) of how sisters are creating and sustaining the Church in both great cities and hidden villages in a multitude of languages and cultures."
Fr. Tom Gaunt SJ, CARA and editor of New Faces, New Possibilities and Pathways to Religious Life

"A splendid collection of personal stories infused with spiritual experience, human trials, and pastoral sensitivity. These heartfelt chapters come from and project a global vision and feminine embrace that women religious bring to the joys, hopes, and pain of humanity. It is a book that speaks truth to the power of love for God and neighbor and gently guides us to continue our journey together in faith, hope, and courage. What a gift. I couldn’t put it down."
Rose Pacatte, FSP, Director, Pauline Center for Media Studies, Rome Office

"Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood celebrates ten years of documenting the spirituality and justice work of Catholic women religious worldwide. Stories from seasoned sisters like Mary John Mananzan, Nancy Sylvester, Margaret Gonsalves, and next generation leaders like Corbin Hannah and Tracey Horan convey the rich contributions of nuns. Questions and photos with each essay invite more personal and communal reflection. Congratulations to Global Sisters Report and ad multos annos."
Diann L. Neu, cofounder and codirector of WATER, Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual is author of Stirring WATERS: Feminist Liturgies for Justice

"The integrity and reputation of the Global Sisters Report is a key incentive to read this book in its entirety. Gathering the vivid insights and global experiences of Catholic Sisters from varying charisms quickly invites the reader to want to learn more about vocations to religious life. This book is ideal for those discerning a vocation, especially the meaningful reflection questions after each article. It is also a timeless treasure for everyone who is seeking to understand the significance of answering God’s endless call to become a Sister."
Sr. Deborah Borneman, SSCM, National Religious Vocation Conference Director of Mission Integration

"Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood provides powerful and inspiring evidence that religious life is alive and well in the twenty-first century. The authors' voices—from around the world and from a spectrum of communities—reveal the remarkable scope of women's spiritual and ministerial gifts to the church and to the world. The reflection questions that accompany each piece are additional testimony to the writers' generosity. Here's to many more decades of Global Sisters Report!"
Margaret Susan Thompson, Syracuse University

"The lives and experiences of sisters from all over the world are a rich treasure trove of wisdom to nurture and inspire the reader. For far too long the voices of Catholic sisters have gone unheard. Now sisters appreciate that it takes both humility and courage to share reflections on what they have heard, seen, touched, tasted and smelled. When shared, these transformational experiences and personal insights witness to faith, hope and love in a complex and fractured world. Wisdom from the Global Sisterhood offers material for a synodal type reflection at personal/group levels. The texts which have emerged from the lives and reflections of sisters can be dialogical partners as we seek to find resonances within and identify God's grace filled presence in our own lives."
Patricia Murray, IBVM, Executive Secretary, International Union of Superiors General (UISG)

"If someone thinks that women taking up religious life is a thing of the past, or irrelevant, or something for those wanting to flee the world, this is the book that can provide, or restore, their faith in the vitality of the lifestyle. This is an especially valuable resource for other women in religious life or young people discerning their own calling, as well as anyone interested in getting a sense of where religious life is and where it is going."

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