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Explore the Wisdom Commentary series

The Wisdom Commentary series is the first scholarly collaboration to offer detailed feminist interpretation of every book of the Bible. The sixty-volume collection makes the best of current feminist biblical scholarship available in an accessible format to aid preachers and teachers in their advancement toward God’s vision of dignity, equality, and justice for all.

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Barbara E. Reid, OP

Athalya Brenner-Idan
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza

Mary Ann Beavis
Mahri Leonard-Fleckman
Amy-Jill Levine
Linda M. Maloney
Song-Mi Suzie Park
Ahida Pilarski
Sarah J. Tanzer
Lauress Wilkins Lawrence


“This is not an 'ordinary' series of feminist commentaries. These commentaries probe the deepest meanings of the text, using all the recent available studies.”
— Irene Nowell, OSB
“In both its content and its method, this series offers a fresh, innovative, and rewarding approach to biblical interpretation.”
— Donald Senior, CP, Catholic Theological Union
“The ecumenical community of biblical scholars will appreciate the fact that the authors of the Wisdom Commentary series don't require their readers to reject the authority of the biblical text, but to understand it, and its effects, in increasingly wider contexts.”
— Bonnie B. Thurston, author of Maverick Mark: The Untamed First Gospel
“This marvelous new series provides a scholarly but accessible overview—it is essential reading for everyone, man or woman, who opens up a Bible.”
— James Martin, SJ, Author of Jesus, A Pilgrimage
“The series should become required reading for any serious engagement with the Bible.”
— Adele Reinhartz, University of Ottawa, Canada
“The kind of feminism of this series embraces all liberative concerns of contemporary humanity, confronting colonialism as well as promoting ecology. Rather than rejecting the authority of the biblical text, ‘the aim is to promote better understanding of the contexts from which the text arose and of the rhetorical effects it has on women and men in contemporary contexts.’”
Grace and Truth
“The series would be a great advantage for any theological school library.”
— Catholic Press Association
“A landmark series . . . No theological library should be without it. It sets a new standard for contemporary feminist biblical scholarship and gives readers wonderful lenses through which to view the word of God in new ways.
— Judith Sutera, OSB Magistra