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Whatever your needs or interests, find what you’re looking for right here. From missals to hymnals and various combinations of the two, Liturgical Press Mass Guides lead the way to a more vibrant faith community.

Living Liturgy Sunday Missal 2018
Living Liturgy Sunday Missal

Living LiturgySunday Missal combines essential liturgical content with the finest presentation on the market today. This annual, one-issue Sunday Mass guide is compatible with any hymnal program and affordably priced for parishes.

  • High-quality cover and paper
  • Gospel reflection for each Sunday
  • Readings and congregational dialogue in large, 13-point, bold type
  • Two-color text in sense lines
  • Includes the rite of the Liturgy of the Word and the Rite for Distributing Holy Communion Outside Mass
Celebrating The Eucharist
Celebrating The Eucharist Sunday Missal
All texts for each day appear together in easy-to-follow consecutive order Order of Mass includes the ICEL chants. Calendar dated, includes readings and prayers for Sundays and solemnities. Weekdays and feasts include prayers, reading references, and full responsorial psalm text
Celebrating the Eucharist Holy Week Edition
Holy Week
Special Edition of Celebrating the Eucharist Pray from Palm Sunday to Easter with Holy Week, a special edition of Celebrating the Eucharist. Supplement your resources to serve the needs of the holiest week of the year. Holy Week can be purchased independently or as a subscription supplement.
Misal del Pueblo/Missal of the People
Misal del Pueblo/Missal of the People
Sunday Missal
With this bilingual missal featuring English and Spanish in a side-by-side format, everyone has an opportunity to participate in the Mass. Let Misal del Pueblo/Missal of the People enhance worship throughout your congregation.
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