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Liturgical Press

The Collegeville Hymnal

Collegeville Hymnal

Edward McKenna, General Editor

The Collegeville Hymnal
The Collegeville Hymnal

ISBN: 9780814615690, 1569

Details: 688 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 07/01/1990
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Harmonizing with Catholic heritage and your parish's classic music favorites, The Collegeville Hymnal is your source for the best of traditional music. It includes a wealth of established hymns - classic favorites your choir and assembly already enjoy singing. Particular attention has been given to the texts of these traditional hymns, and archaic and non-inclusive language has been eliminated except where texts of poetic importance are involved. Please note: Published in 1990, this hymnal has not been updated since the Roman Missal, Third Edition, but continues to be a gem for its selection of hymnody and other music for Roman Catholic liturgy.

Choosing from this eclectic collection of music is made simple by The Collegeville Hymnal's comprehensive set of indices. The indices are concise and easy to use and can assist you in planning the whole liturgical year.

All of the hymns have been arranged to meet the needs of the choir, assembly, and instrumentalists. These classic favorites add strength to your music program, and not-so-familiar hymns offer you an exciting opportunity to enlarge and enrich your parish's music base.

Parish Music directors have found that their parishioners enjoy these selections not least of all because they are easy to follow and highly singableand, therefore, a pleasure to learn! Building this kind of enthusiasm for new music can be easy for you as well with The Collegeville Hymnal.

Its perfect marriage of poetic texts and well-balanced harmonies makes The Collegeville Hymnal a resource you can rely on for music that is truly liturgical. This attention to quality sets it apart as a hymnal of lasting merit.

The Collegeville Hymnal features easy-to-find, easy-to-read, and easy-to-use music including
• 480 seasonal, sanctoral, and sacramental hymns
• Responsorial psalmody
• Gospel acclamations and canticles
• Sequences
• Latin music, chant
• Funeral and wedding music
• Music scored SATB when appropriate for the selection
• Attention to the use of inclusive language
• Complete set of indices: composer, author, meter, hymn tune, title, biblical references and topics
• Selections referenced by number in the margin

ISBN: 9780814615690, 1569

Details: 688 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 07/01/1990


I keep a copy of The Collegeville Hymnal at hand in my study and have had occasion to make good use of it during Vatican liturgies. My compliments to the Editor.
Maestro J. E. Goettsche, Organist of St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

The Collegeville Hymnal has helped unite the older generation with the younger generation by incorporating both traditional and modern hymns. I would recommend this hymnal for any parish who promotes congregational involvement. The Collegeville Hymnal is simple and easy to read for congregation and choirs.
Kathy R. Fresquez-Chavez, Choir Director, Our Lady of Fatima Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Collegeville Hymnal is a complete worship aid that has been compiled with a great deal of thought and care . . . remarkable for its comprehensiveness, diversity, and balance.
Rudy Marcozzi, Pastoral Music

. . . a fine collection . . . truly an excellent book. . . . The indexes are especially thorough. . . . [The] engraving and printing are really first-rate.
American Catholic Press

The Collegeville Hymnal is a fine piece of work, and deserves many new friends.
Fr. Stephen Somerville, Fragments, Toronto Pastoral Centre for Music and Liturgy

Like most cathedral churches, ours is an old parish whose musical and liturgical traditions extend back nearly one hundred and seventy-five years. When we were searching for a new hymnal, we wanted one that would include most, if not all, of the treasured hymns that our congregation had grown to love. We were impressed with the body of hymnody found in The Collegeville Hymnal—a nice mix of old and new favorites. We also appreciated the fact that, while it contains a substantial amount of music, it is still slim enough to be handled with ease.

The musicians of the cathedral have been very pleased with our choice of a new hymnal, and members of the congregation have expressed nothing but positive sentiments. We expect to be singing from The Collegeville Hymnal for decades to come.

Thomas Niel, Organist, Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Lafayette, Louisiana

The Collegeville Hymnal contains a wealth of quality music for worship, including new musical settings for the new liturgical texts, some of the best of the old music, a fair amount of the repertory of good music used in other communions, along with the best of our rich heritage of Latin chants. This attractive book is an invaluable music resource!
Anthony Ciucci, Organist/Music Director, Church of the Good Shepherd, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania

An admirable collection that should serve well.

I am pleased to recommend [The Collegeville Hymnal]. I am confident that it will assist in promoting quality, communal celebrations of the Sunday Eucharist in many parishes.
from the Foreword by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin

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