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Liturgical Press

Science as Sacred Metaphor

An Evolving Revelation

Elizabeth Michael Boyle, OP

Science as Sacred Metaphor
Science as Sacred Metaphor

ISBN: 9780814624043, 2404

Details: 160 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 09/01/2006
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For Sister Elizabeth Michael Boyle, there’s nothing quite like the world of science’with its aha! moments, quandaries, and inscrutable mysteries’to usher the modern seeker into the divine presence of God. In this book, she creates a sacred space at the intersection where science and faith meet.

Sister Boyle says that Jesus, who used the lives of birds and wildflowers as signs of the divine would probably be saying today, Consider the implications of lilies and stars, of quarks and quantas. Learn from the drama of life-out-of-death in everything from seeds to tsunamis.

In Science as Sacred Metaphor, Sister Boyle leads the reader to unravel the fascinating threads of science and follow them to the marvelous skein of spiritual insight and contemplative wonder. With a blend of scientific fact, powerful poetry, and spiritual exploration, she helps the reader discover anew and more deeply the ever-gracious Mystery in whom all that exists lives and moves and has its being.

Elizabeth Michael Boyle, OP, PhD, is a professor of English at Caldwell College, Caldwell, New Jersey. Her book, Preaching the Poetry of the Gospels, won a first place award from the Catholic Press Association in 2004. A playwright, poet, and teacher, she finds inspiration for poetry and prayer in the natural sciences.

ISBN: 9780814624043, 2404

Details: 160 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 09/01/2006


"The bibliographical work cited in this book is worth the purchase price: she has clearly been exhaustive in her research. A poetophile will likewise find the range of excerpted poetry to be both apropos and well chosen to maximize the cosmic impact upon the reader."
Trinity Seminary Review

"I could not avoid taking careful notice of Elizabeth Michael Boyle OP's book Science as Sacred Metaphor. She has followed scientific quests to stretch people's yearnings about creation and progress and then to bring them snug and faith-filled home to the universe. She has collected ideas and quotations to consider and be enlivened by. They are wide-ranging, learned, relevant, and helpful."
Review for Religious

"This work is a sparkling contribution to contemporary conversations about science and its relationship to faith and theology. Unlike many other works on the topic, it is prayerful and poetic. Fully aware of the differences between science and poetry, the author takes the metaphorical terminology of science as an invitation to constructive theological interpretation of nature. Readers will find this book both wise and enjoyable."
John F. Haught, Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Theology, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

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