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Liturgical Press

From Hero to Servant to Mystic

Navigating the Deeper Waters of Priestly Spirituality

Scott P. Detisch

From Hero to Servant to Mystic SEE INSIDE
From Hero to Servant to Mystic

ISBN: 9780814644706, 4470

Details: 168 pgs, 6 x 9 x 5/16
Publication Date: 03/25/2019
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2020 Catholic Press Association first place award, church professional

From Hero to Servant to Mystic addresses both the initial and ongoing formation of priests by tracing three significant stages in how their spiritual lives unfold. Fr. Scott Detisch offers seminarians, priests, spiritual directors, and clergy personnel directors a way of understanding the whole gamut of spiritual growth and development in priests by focusing on three major clusters of energies within men-the Hero, the Servant, and the Mystic. By recognizing the difficulties that may arise within the inner life and outer world of a priest, Detisch offers helpful methods for navigating through those challenging periods. By applying these energies to their spiritual lives, priests will experience a different form of relationship with the person of Christ-the Hero, who offers his life for Christ; the Servant, who ministers with Christ; and the Mystic, who lives his life in Christ.

Fr. Scott Detisch is a priest of the diocese of Erie, Pennsylvania. He has been involved in parish ministry and priestly formation for many years. He currently serves at St. John the Evangelist Church in Girard, Pennsylvania, and he is an adjunct faculty member at St. Mary Seminary in Wickliffe, Ohio.

ISBN: 9780814644706, 4470

Details: 168 pgs, 6 x 9 x 5/16
Publication Date: 03/25/2019


"Fr. Detisch, clearly a gifted spiritual director himself, offers a compendium of wisdom gleaned from all the best sources in the church's treasury across the ages: Scripture, the church fathers, mediaeval and modern spiritual guides. The Hero, Servant, and Mystic archetypes are presented in language that sheds light on the life-journey, not only of the ordained but of all serious pilgrims."
George Wilson, SJ, author of Clericalism: The Death of Priesthood

This volume explores the depth of spirituality that nourishes Catholic priesthood. It would be appropriate in any Catholic collection whose audience has an interest in priestly formation and ministry.
Catholic Library World

This book is primarily directed towards seminarians, priests and those concerned with the initial and ongoing formation of clergy. It is reflective, with many points of consideration, and the personal vignettes are insightful and moving. Recommended to anyone wishing to develop this spiritual journey.
Pastoral Review

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