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Liturgical Press

Sacra Pagina

Complete Set

Daniel J. Harrington, SJ, Editor

Sacra Pagina
Sacra Pagina

ISBN: 9780814659823, 5982

Details: 6 x 9
Publication Date: 02/01/2010
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Sacra Pagina is a multi volume commentary on the books of the New Testament.

The expression "Sacra Pagina" ("Sacred Page") originally referred to the text of Scripture. In the Middle Ages it also described the study of Scripture to which the interpreter brought the tools of grammar, rhetoric, dialectic, and philosophy.

This series presents fresh translations and modern expositions of all the books of the New Testament. Written by an international team of Catholic biblical scholars, it is intended for biblical professionals, graduate students, theologians, clergy, and religious educators. The volumes present basic introductory information and close exposition, with each author adopting a specific methodology while maintaining a focus on the issues raised by the New Testament compositions themselves.

The goal of Sacra Pagina is to provide sound, critical analysis without any loss of sensitivity to religious meaning. This series is therefore catholic in two senses of the word: inclusive in its methods and perspectives, and shaped by the context of the Catholic tradition.

The Second Vatican Council described the study of "the sacred page" as the "very soul of sacred theology" (Dei Verbum 24). The volumes in this series illustrate how Catholic scholars contribute to the council's call to provide access to Sacred Scripture for all the Christian faithful. Rather than pretending to say the final word on any text, these volumes seek to open up the riches of the New Testament and to invite as many people as possible to study seriously the "sacred page."

ISBN: 9780814659823, 5982

Details: 6 x 9
Publication Date: 02/01/2010


Sacra Pagina represents the best of contemporary and pastorally sensitive biblical interpretation for a general readership. A must for any library.
Catholic Library World

I wholeheartedly recommend this commentary in particular and this series in general for those who regularly preach-Catholic or Protestant.
The Clergy Journal

Sacra Pagina is a valuable addition to any professional library. And it can communicate well to the Greekless who are willing to work along with it.
Book Reviews

I have seen Matthew, Luke, Acts, and Galations and intend to ensure that the whole series is in our library.

I find all the volumes of this series to be extremely helpful in studying and understanding Scripture.
Saint Mary's Press

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