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Liturgical Press

The Glenstal Companion to the Readings of the Easter Vigil

Edited by Luke Macnamara, OSB, and Martin Browne, OSB

The Glenstal Companion to the Readings of the Easter Vigil SEE INSIDE
The Glenstal Companion to the Readings of the Easter Vigil

ISBN: 9780814665060, 6506

Details: 167 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 02/13/2020
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The Glenstal Companion to the Readings of the Easter Vigil explores the dynamic of the Vigil readings by examining a single reading, in its liturgical context, to provide nourishing commentary to deepen your encounter with God's Word. Parishioners will come to appreciate how the extended reading of passages from the Old Testament, in the light of the Paschal Candle, creates a sense of expectancy and focuses on the central reality of the Christian faith—what the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ mean for the salvation of all people. Includes commentary for each of the readings of the Easter Vigil: the seven Old Testament readings, the Epistle, and the Gospels for Years A, B, and C.

Luke Macnamara, OSB, a monk of Glenstal Abbey, lectures in Scripture at St Patrick's College, Maynooth.

Martin Browne, OSB, a monk of Glenstal and former headmaster of the Abbey school, is the Abbey bursar and liturgical master of ceremonies.

ISBN: 9780814665060, 6506

Details: 167 pgs, 5 3/8 x 8 1/4
Publication Date: 02/13/2020


The nine biblical readings of the Easter Vigil are so rich in content and meaning that they overwhelm preacher, catechist, congregant and catechumen. The Glenstal Companion is brilliantly conceived to help the reader meditate on these passages at prayerful leisure. Fitting for a Lent retreat, homily preparation, or the general reader, this companion will help those who participate regularly in the Easter Vigil to derive more understanding from the Word of God, and it will invite those unfamiliar with the Vigil to participate in a marvel that they have been missing.
Fr. Paul Turner, Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City MO

Simply the finest collection currently available for a pastoral exploration of the `Mother of All Vigils.' Each essay thoughtfully engages the readings (including the Gospel texts for Years A, B, and C) with an introduction, scriptural themes and reflection questions. Parishes and pastors will discover a profound and readable resource in The Glenstal Companion to the Readings of the Easter Vigil. A non-negotiable must for every preacher's bookshelf.
Guerric DeBona, OSB, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

The scriptural readings of the Paschal Vigil are vital to understanding the significance of the death and resurrection of Jesus and how we have communion in these through Baptism. Indeed, these readings are fundamental to understanding the whole arc of the biblical proclamation of our salvation. This Companion is a great help for entering more deeply into these inspiring texts and letting their power shape our lives in Christ.
Abbot Jeremy Driscoll, OSB, Mount Angel Abbey, and author of Awesome Glory: Resurrection in Scripture, Liturgy, and Theology

Here is a wonderful book to use next Lent as a preparation for the celebration of Easter. The contents of this volume offer the non-professional reader a beautiful and informative understanding of the heart of Christian faith.
The Bible Today

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