Faith, hope, and love are three vital dimensions of our life with God. Faith is entering into and clinging to a relationship with God. Hope is what we expect from that relationship. And love—the greatest of these—is the very essence of the relationship itself. In Encountering the God of Faith, Hope, and Love in the Bible, award-winning Scripture commentator Fr. George Smiga explores how God is revealed through various stages of salvation history—from the call of Abraham through the resurrection of Jesus—and how faith, hope, and love have evolved as our understanding of God grows. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayers, and access to online lectures are included. 6 lessons.
George M. Smiga, STD, is a nationally known author and lecturer in Scripture and homiletics. A priest of the Diocese of Cleveland, Smiga has a doctorate in biblical theology from the Gregorian University in Rome and serves on the faculty of Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology. Smiga is the author of The Holy Spirit in the Bible and Angels in the Bible (Little Rock Scripture Study) and The Gospel of John Set Free: Preaching without Anti-Judaism (Paulist Press). He writes a monthly column for Living with Christ and contributes regularly to Give Us This Day. His website is