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Liturgical Press

Joined by the Church, Sealed by a Blessing

Couples and Communities Called to Conversion Together

Diana Macalintal and Nick Wagner

Joined by the Church, Sealed by a Blessing SEE INSIDE
Joined by the Church, Sealed by a Blessing

eISBN: 9780814637906, E3790

Details: 216 pgs,
Publication Date: 09/22/2014
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Joined by the Church, Sealed by a Blessing does more than help parish leaders plan excellent wedding liturgies and prepare engaged couples well. It enables parish leaders to address the challenges of increased divorce, fewer Catholic weddings, empty pews on Sundays, and the increasing number of people who choose no faith. This is the one book that will give you a comprehensive plan to address these concerns with confidence, creativity, and clarity.

With over fifty years of combined hands-on experience in parish and diocesan liturgy preparation and catechumenate formation, Diana Macalintal and Nick Wagner give you more than just another marriage preparation resource. They give you a parish transformation tool.

Diana Macalintal is the director of worship for the Diocese of San Jose in California. She has served as a liturgist, music, and catechumenate director in campus, parish, and diocesan ministries for over twenty-five years. Diana is a team member of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate and the cofounder of, an online resource for catechumenate ministers. She is the author of The Work of Your Hands (Liturgical Press) as well as a contributor to Give Us This Day and many other publications.

Nick Wagner has more than thirty years' experience as a leader and trainer in liturgical and catechetical ministries. He is the author of numerous articles and several books on parish ministry and is the director and cofounder of, an online resource for catechumenate ministers. Nick is an active team member with the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. He is a contributor to Give Us This Day.

eISBN: 9780814637906, E3790

Details: 216 pgs,
Publication Date: 09/22/2014


Until you are blue in the face, you've told couples to prepare for married life, not just the wedding day. Diana Macalintal and Nick Wagner say that's not enough. Prepare couples for discipleship. Applying the theory of the catechumenate to engagement, this book bursts with so many practical ideas that you won't be able to hold them all in your hands. It will improve marriages and parishes alike.
Rev. Paul Turner, Pastor, St. Anthony Catholic Church, Kansas City MO, Author, The Catholic Wedding Answer Book

A wedding that celebrates the conversion process of a man and woman like the Easter vigil does for the catechumenate? Could that be? In Joined by the Church, Sealed by a Blessing, Macalintal and Wagner propose a fresh vision for marriage preparation that parallels the RCIA process: a call to discipleship formed within a parish community that nurtures neophyte families. Pastors and parish leaders-if your marriage prep isn't "working" to create committed Christian couples, this book offers practical pathways to rethink, restructure, and breathe new life into your process.
Karla J. Bellinger, DMin, author of Connecting Pulpit and Pew, director of the Center for Preaching, Evangelization, and Prayer

This is a must have resource for parishes who desire to revitalize sacramental ministry with couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. Aware of today's cultural challenges and inspired by the baptismal catechumenate, the authors present a new approach to marriage ministry focused on conversion and lifelong discipleship. The book outlines a formation process that engages the couple in a deeper life of faith and calls the entire community of faith to accompany them on the journey. Like the RCIA, this new approach to marriage sacramental ministry has the possibility of transforming the entire parish community through marriage preparation, celebration, and ongoing pastoral ministry with couples. If you are hoping to inspire young couples and your parish community to a deeper, living faith, you will find great inspiration in this book!
Karen Kane, Director of Worship, Archdiocese of Cincinnati

This is one of the few resources I have seen that expands on the time pastoral staffs spend with newly engaged couples and offers ways to integrate them into parish life. Pastoral staffs will find that this book supports their efforts to find concrete ways to move away from "maintenance" and into "mission" regarding parish wedding preparation.
Pastoral Liturgy

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