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Liturgical Press

Christian Preaching and Worship in Multicultural Contexts

A Practical Theological Approach

Eunjoo Mary Kim; Foreword by Mark R. Francis

Christian Preaching and Worship in Multicultural Contexts SEE INSIDE
Christian Preaching and Worship in Multicultural Contexts

eISBN: 9780814663455, E6345

Details: 246 pgs,
Publication Date: 07/26/2017
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Can Christian preaching and worship in multicultural contexts be more faithful to the Christian gospel and more meaningful and memorable to worshipers? In this book, Eunjoo Mary Kim explores this theological and liturgical concern and proposes a paradigm shift from monocultural to multicultural worship. This volume will help preachers and worship leaders, as well as homiletics and liturgics scholars, seek theological and biblical wisdom for the practice of Christian preaching and worship in multicultural contexts. Kim also provides homiletical and liturgical insights into this practice. By integrating this paradigm shift, ministers and worshipers can participate in a life worthy of living together in our multicultural world.

The Rev. Eunjoo Mary Kim, PhD, is professor of homiletics and liturgics at Vanderbilt University Divinity School in Nashville, Tennessee. She is the author of Preaching in an Age of Globalization (2010), Women Preaching: Theology and Practice through the Ages (2004), and Preaching the Presence of God: A Homiletic from the Asian American Perspective (1999), as well as a coeditor of Women, Church, and Leadership: New Paradigms (2012), and Christian Preaching and Worship in Multicultural Contexts (2017).

eISBN: 9780814663455, E6345

Details: 246 pgs,
Publication Date: 07/26/2017


"In this volume, Kim argues that while we are all living in locally and/or globally multicultural contexts, most churches still stick to a conventional, monocultural preaching and worship style, along racial, ethnic and cultural lines. Therefore, it is crucial to bring about a paradigm shift to the ministry of preaching and worship in order to make them more relevant to culturally diverse context."

"This book identifies itself as practical theology, but it is far more than a collection of tips on preaching in multicultural settings. Kim has constructed a theologically and philosophically rich inquiry into the nature of multicultural Christian communities and the opportunities and requirements that such a community invites. Her book contains example sermons and liturgies, but to appreciate the masterful way they are put together requires attention to the deep thinking represented by the rest of the book."
Anglican Theological Review

"Eunjoo Mary Kim believes that an imaginative, eschatological vision of wondrous diversity can transform the ways that we worship and preach. This vision is seen and felt in every sentence of this hopeful and practical book. The reader not only feels invited into Kim's kaleidoscopic vision but also is given perspectives and tools for practicing preaching and worship in ways that rehearse this vision each week, across all traditions and cultures."
John S. McClure, Charles G. Finney Professor of Preaching and Worship, Vanderbilt Divinity School

"At last, someone has provided a detailed guide for how to make multicultural preaching and worship a reality. In her book, Eunjoo Kim challenges mainline Protestants to rethink their exclusive theologies and use non-Christian sacred texts and stories to broaden and illumine theological implications. In addition to providing sound theoretical foundations and samples of sermons and worship services, she also walks her readers, step-by-step, through the processes of multicultural biblical interpretation, liturgy formation, and sermon preparation. This is a must-have text for those who are committed to worship that truly reflects the reign of God."
Debra J. Mumford, Frank H. Caldwell Professor of Homiletics, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

"Eunjoo Kim offers solid theological grounding and much practical wisdom for transforming worship in contemporary multicultural contexts. She skillfully weaves together theological and liturgical studies from a wide range of Christian traditions. Her book should be studied—and used—by all who seek to develop ways of worship suitable in a time of incredible cultural diversity."
Ruth Meyers, Dean of Academic Affairs and Hodges-Haynes Professor of Liturgics, Church Divinity School of the Pacific

"Kim offers a fitting text for our pluralistic times and presses essential questions for preachers and worship leaders. More than a foundation for preaching in diverse contexts and a set of strategies, this book is a call to participate in the sweeping and surprising work of the Holy Spirit."
Donyelle McCray, Assistant Professor of Homiletics, Yale Divinity School

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