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Liturgical Press

Hear, O Heavens and Listen, O Earth

An Introduction to the Prophets

Joan E. Cook

Hear, O Heavens and Listen, O Earth
Hear, O Heavens and Listen, O Earth

eISBN: 9780814682548, E8254

Details: 336 pgs,
Publication Date: 03/24/2016
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2007 Catholic Press Association Award Winner!

In Hear, O Heavens and Listen, O Earth, Joan E. Cook guides students of theology, Scripture, and ministry in reading the prophetic books according to the current methodologies for biblical study. She encourages readers to apply the messages of the prophets to contemporary religious and social concerns.

Cook focuses on how to read the Old Testament books of the prophets and addresses the pastoral implications. The study proceeds chronologically and biblical quotations and references are based on the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.

Cook encourages students to engage the biblical text and suggests points for reflection and questions for thought and action based on each of the prophetic books.

Chapters are Introductory Topics, The Early Prophets, The Eighth Century Prophets in the Northern Kingdom, The Seventh Century Prophets Zephaniah, Nahum, and Habakkuk, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Baruch, Ezekiel and Obadiah, Exile: Isaiah of Babylon, The Second Temple Period: Third Isaiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Joel and Jonah, and Conclusion.

Joan E. Cook, SC, teaches Scripture at Georgetown University. She is the author of Hannah's Desire, God's Design: Early Interpretation of the Story of Hannah as well as numerous articles on biblical women and biblical prayer.

eISBN: 9780814682548, E8254

Details: 336 pgs,
Publication Date: 03/24/2016
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