ISBN: 9780814666227, 6622
eISBN: 9780814666487, E6648
eFormats Available
What does conversion look like for children and youth? How do we teach them that conversion is a way of life that requires daily commitment? These questions are even more pressing today than they were in 1988 when the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (with adaptations for children) was issued.
In Children and Youth in the Catechumenate, Anne Koester shows catechumenate ministers how to immerse young seekers into an apprenticeship in Christian life. By using the liturgy of the church and the liturgy of life, she demonstrates the four integral dimensions of Christian discipleship that form young believers for mission.
Anne Koester works and teaches at Georgetown University. She also serves as the coordinator of the OCIA process at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Washington, DC. She is a member of the North American Academy of Liturgy and has written on various topics related to liturgy.
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