ISBN: 9780814661659, 6165
eISBN: 9780814662908, E6290
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The final volume in the Handbook for Liturgical Studies series, Volume V: Liturgical Time and Space contains the concluding material for an integral study of the liturgy. It opens with a preliminary notion of time and space, before discussing in detail three types of liturgical celebrations on which time and space have a direct and particular bearing. The first of these is the Liturgy of the Hours. This topic is developed in the light of the early Christian tradition until the fourth century and its subsequent forms in both East and West. The second is the Liturgical Year, traditionally called the anni circulas. The development of the Liturgical Year during the first four centuries is reviewed. This is followed by a detailed study of the Byzantine, Roman, and non-Roman Western tradition. It concludes with the theology and spirituality of the Liturgical Year wherein the mystery of Christ as a saving event is made present in time, so that the faithful may lay hold of it through the Word and the sacraments. The theology of liturgical space is drawn from the mutual interaction between the assembled community, which gives meaning to the place of assembly, and the place itself, which upholds and signifies community.
Articles and their contributors in Part I: Liturgy of the Hours are "Liturgy of the Hours in the First Four Centuries," by Rubén Leikam, OSB; "Liturgy of the Hours in the East," by Robert Taft, SJ; "Liturgy of the Hours in the Roman Rite," by Rubén Leikam, OSB; "Liturgy of the Hours in the Non-Roman West," by Rubén Leikam, OSB; and "Theology of the Liturgy of the Hours," by Robert Taft, SJ
Articles and their contributors in Part II: The Liturgical Year are "The Liturgical Year in the East," by Matias Augé, CMF; "The Liturgical Year in the East," by Elena Velkova Velkovska; "The Liturgical Year in the Roman Rite," by Matias Augé, CMF; "The Liturgical Year in the Non-Roman West," by Gabriel Ramis; "The Cult of Mary in East and West," by Ignacio Calabuig, OSM; "The Cult of Saints in East and West," by Philippe Rouillard, OSB; and "Theology of the Liturgical Year," by Matias Augé, CMF
Articles and their contributors in Part III: Liturgical Space are "Dedication of the Church in East and West," by Ignacio Calabuig, OSM; "Liturgical Architecture in East and West," by Crispino Valenziano; and "Theology of Liturgical Space," by Cettina Militello.
Anscar J. Chupungco, OSB, (1913-2013), was a member of the Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat in the Philippines. He was president of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in Rome and was director of Paul VI Institute of Liturgy in the Philippines. In 2011, the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions presented to him the Frederick R. McManus Award for his contribution to pastoral liturgy. He authored many books, including What, Then, Is Liturgy? Musings and Memoir (Liturgical Press, 2010).
ISBN: 9780814661659, 6165