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Liturgical Press

A Handbook for Catholic Preaching

Edward Foley, General Editor, Introduction by Timothy Radcliffe

A Handbook for Catholic Preaching
A Handbook for Catholic Preaching

ISBN: 9780814669402, 6940

Details: 344 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 11/21/2022
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While admitting particular parameters and priorities for Roman Catholic preachers, this volume was intentionally envisioned as a handbook for "catholic" preaching in the broadest and most universal sense of that term. Cosponsored by the Catholic Academy of Liturgy, the Catholic Association of Teachers of Homiletics, and the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, it covers the role of the Scriptures in preaching, the challenges of preaching in a digital age, sermonizing in an interfaith context, and the need for a liberative and prophetic word that cuts across denominations and even faith traditions. Intended to aid those who teach or direct the preaching arts, the design and writing style of this book are particularly calibrated to graduate students in ministerial studies. Every article is a self-contained overview of a particular historical period, genre of preaching, homiletic theory, or contemporary issue. This more encyclopedic approach—devoid of footnotes, yet supported by pertinent bibliography and an extensive index—provides a sufficiently rich yet thoroughly accessible gateway to major facets of the preaching arts at this stage of the twenty-first century.

General Editor: Edward Foley

Associate Editors: Catherine Vincie, Richard N. Fragomeni

Contributors: Herbert Anderson, John F. Baldovin, Alden Lee Bass, Dianne Bergant, Stephen Bevans, Robert Bireley, John Carr, Anthony Collamati, Michael E. Connors, Guerric DeBona, Frank DeSiano, William T. Ditewig, Con Foley, Edward Foley, Richard N. Fragomeni, Ann M. Garrido, Gregory Heille, Lucy Lind Hogan, Patrick R. Lagges, David J. Lose, Barbara K. Lundblad, Ricky Manalo, Robert F. Morneau, Carolyn Muessig, vanThanh Nguyen, Mary Margaret Pazdan, Patricia Parachini, Jorge Presmanes, Craig Alan Satterlee, Catherine Vincie, Richard Vosko, James A. Wallace, Margaret Moers Wenig, Alex Zenthoefer

ISBN: 9780814669402, 6940

Details: 344 pgs, 6 x 9
Publication Date: 11/21/2022
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