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Liturgical Press

Monastic Lives

Showing 1 - 16 out of 49 products

Strangers in a Strange Land

David N. Bell



A Benedictine Reader

Edited by Hugh Feiss, OSB, and Maureen M. O’Brien



To Live for God Alone

Mark O’Keefe, OSB, and María Gonzalo-García, OCSO



Saint Mary of Egypt

Bonnie B. Thurston, Foreword by Benedicta Ward, SLG



Aelred of Rievaulx (1110-1167)

Pierre-André Burton, OCSO, Translated by Christopher Coski



The Letters of Blessed Maria Gabriella with the Notebooks of Mother Pia Gullini

Blessed Gabriella Sagheddu; Translated by David Lavich, OCSO, with introduction by Mariella Carpinello



An Elemental Life

Louis A. Ruprecht Jr.



Saint Columban

Terrence G. Kardong, OSB



Aelred the Peacemaker

Jean Truax



The First Life of Bernard of Clairvaux

William of Saint-Thierry, Arnold of Bonneval, and Geoffrey of Auxerre; Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Hilary Costello, OCSO



Born from the Gaze of God

Christophe Lebreton, OCSO; Translated by Mette Louise Nygård and Edith Scholl, OCSO; Includes photos and illustrations



Thomas Merton

Michael W. Higgins



Separate but Equal

James France



Christian de Chergé

Christian Salenson; Translated by Nada Conic



"The Life of Wulfric of Haselbury, Anchorite"

John of Ford; Translated with an Introduction and Notes by Pauline Matarasso



The Holy Workshop of Virtue

Edited by Tim Vivian, Rowan Greer, and Maged S. A. Mikhail



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